Throughout November, Cambridge Specialty employees donated money, volunteer time & goods to support the Berlin, CT non-profit organization that supports deployed, injured, aging and homeless veterans.
Their mission is to ensure that every American hero receives the physical and moral support they deserve.
What started as one family sending supplies to loved one deployed oversea, turned into a charity that collects, wraps, and ships packages of supplies to deployed troops. They are called Hero Boxes. Karen Cotes is the President of Hero Boxes Inc.
In addition, Cambridge Employee Wendy Tyburski, Leader of the Brownie Troop 66526 of Berlin, Ct, Volunteered to a Community Service project with Hero Boxes. Nine girls participated and they made holiday cards to include in the boxes, sorted donations, packaged items, flattened boxes, recycled trash, and sang Brownie songs for the workers. “Our troop donated $100 and over 10 bags of snacks, health and beauty items, and entertainment items”.